Rwblid is specialised in selling wood working machines in all its forms from manually operated to fully automatic and CNC machines for all sorts of application whether you’re craftsman or industrial producer we are ready to provide any machine or any level of production lines.
Our team of technician make sure all our machines function properly and ready to provide after sales maintenance and service upon client request. We also provide accessories and replacement parts.

- Anuba hinge inserting machines
- Aspiration systems
- Assembly benches for windows and doors
- Band saws
- Beam saws
- Bit mortisers
- Boring and inserting machines
- Boring machines
- Briquette machines
- Brushing machines
- Carving machines
- Chain mortiser
- Chamfering machines
- Chisel mortiser
- Clamping machines
- Combination machines
- Compressors
- Copy shaper machines
- Cranes and hoists
- Crosscut saws
- Dovetailing machines
- Drilling machines
- Dust collectors
- Edge sanding machines
- Edge Trimming machines
- Edgebanders
- Feed through press
- Forklifts
- Four sided planers
- Fret saw machines
- Glue spreaders
- Grinding machines
- Hot air generators
- Impregnation machines
- Joiners workbench
- Lifting tables
- Log band saws
- Machining centers
- Milling machines
- Miscellaneous
- Mortising machines
- Moulders
- Multi rip saws
- Packing machines
- Parquet machines
- Pellet machines
- Polishing machines
- Power feeders
- Presses
- Profiling machines
- Radial arm saws
- Resaw machines
- Rip saw machines
- Roller conveyors
- Sanding machines
- Saws – spindle moulders
- Seam folding machines
- Shelvings
- Sliding table saws
- Slot-cutting for window-shutters
- Spindle moulding machines
- Squaring-edgebanding machines
- Stacking device
- Stroke Sanders
- Surface planer
- Tenoning machines
- Thicknessing planers
- Tools
- Vacuum timber drying
- Veneer guillotines
- Veneer splicing machines
- Vertical panel saws
- Wide belt sanders
- Window and door machinery
- Wood finishing equipment
- Wood routers
- Wood shredders
- Woodturning lathes